Treatment specific to your needs
In order to regain or maintain the ability to move the most effective treatment uses a combination of approaches.
Hands-on treatment combined with exercises to support correct movement patterns and active involvement.
The physiotherapist helps to facilitate movement by lengthening short muscles, mobilising or moving tight joints, strengthening weak muscles and helping to keep your body in better alignment.
We can enhance this therapy with various supportive technology including splints, Saebo technology, neuromuscular stimulation, virtual reality such as Mindmotion Go and Neuro ball and Aquatherapy.
This approach helps your brain re-establish its connection to your muscles and engaging the brain’s natural neuroplasticity to rewire itself and form new neural connections.
By identifying goals and combining therapy in the clinic and or at home task specific training can be set up to practice and relearn a skill.
If you require short or long-term treatment or simply an assessment and advice, we are able to help.

As Neuro physiotherapists we will provide a thorough assessment of your movement, coordination, sensory awareness, balance, and cognition and how these affect you in aspects of daily living.
Based upon this we will then be able to formulate a treatment plan specific to your needs and on the personal targets that you realistically wish to reach.
Assessment and treatment can take place either at the clinic or your home.
Treatment plans can involve:
- Improving standing and quality of walking
- Strengthening
- Balance exercises
- Developing gross and fine motor skills
- Re-educating normal movement patterns
- Stretching to maintain range of movement
- Home exercise plans with video demonstrations.
- Offering guidance and advice to family and carers
Our Team
Our Team brings together decades of combined experience and knowledge in Neuro Physio Rehabilitation. To find out more about each team member, click on their individual profile.
Isobel Sansom
Isobel graduated as a physiotherapist in 2010 with a Bsc (Hons) from Brighton University. She initially worked in paediatric neurology at the PACE centre Aylesbury as part of a highly specialised team providing physiotherapy within the educational setting. She then moved to adult mental health…
Sarah Dixon
Sarah graduated from The London Hospital in 1989, and has specialised in neurology since 1991. Initially working at The Royal Free Hospital and then The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery she built up experience in both acute and long - term Rehabilitation. From there…
Hannah Hine-Thomas
Hannah graduated as a physiotherapist from the University of Birmingham in 2014. She has worked in a variety of NHS roles across the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire areas. She has always held a particular interest in neurology and this is the area in which she chose…
Philippa Smith
Philippa graduated as a Physiotherapist from Guy’s hospital in 1986 and has specialised in neurology since 1989. Since qualifying she has worked in several London NHS teaching hospitals including the Royal Free, Charing Cross and the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery. She gained a…
The Next Steps
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