Enhanced quality of life
Many Neurological conditions can lead to changes in body alignment due to muscle weakness or increased muscle tone and stiffness. These changes can make functioning and care more difficult.
By managing a person’s physical needs effectively their body shape can be protected. Through using movement, positioning equipment and managing muscle tone changes their function, comfort and quality of life can be enhanced.
We work collaboratively with the person, their families, and care teams and will liaise with local services.
Using our knowledge of movement disorders and handling skills we are able to advise about appropriate movement, stretches and positioning equipment such as wheelchairs, armchairs, and bed positioning supports.
Where physically optimising posture is challenging we can advise and refer for appropriate medical management such as oral medication and where necessary botulinum toxin and related therapies. These can help manage changes in muscle stiffness and tightness to further protect the body’s alignment.

Our Team
Our Team brings together decades of combined experience and knowledge in Neuro Physio Rehabilitation. To find out more about each team member, click on their individual profile.
Philippa Smith
Philippa graduated as a Physiotherapist from Guy’s hospital in 1986 and has specialised in neurology since 1989. Since qualifying she has worked in several London NHS teaching hospitals including the Royal Free, Charing Cross and the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery. She gained a…
Sarah Dixon
Sarah graduated from The London Hospital in 1989, and has specialised in neurology since 1991. Initially working at The Royal Free Hospital and then The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery she built up experience in both acute and long - term Rehabilitation. From there…
Hannah Hine-Thomas
Hannah graduated as a physiotherapist from the University of Birmingham in 2014. She has worked in a variety of NHS roles across the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire areas. She has always held a particular interest in neurology and this is the area in which she chose…
Isobel Sansom
Isobel graduated as a physiotherapist in 2010 with a Bsc (Hons) from Brighton University. She initially worked in paediatric neurology at the PACE centre Aylesbury as part of a highly specialised team providing physiotherapy within the educational setting. She then moved to adult mental health…
The Next Steps
To find out more about how our appointments work, or to contact us, choose an option below.