We provide specialist physiotherapy rehabilitation for people with neurological conditions including Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Motor Neurone Disease, head injuries, Parkinson’s, spinal injuries and other less well known conditions such as Peripheral Neuropathy and Cerebellar Degeneration.
The team, all members of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists have many years’ experience specialising in such conditions in a variety of settings.
They have expert handling skills for influencing movement and balance so you can function better, listening and talking skills to help determine your personal needs and to support coping and coming to terms with disability, enabling you to enjoy life more.
In order to maximise movement & function, therapists may utilize a range of therapeutic strategies, including: the use of exercise and specialist handling skills (such as bobath), implementation of effective self-management programmes, as well as use of adjuncts (such as Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation, FES, splinting, orthotics and seating).
The team continue to develop their own skills and support their treatment with training, up-to-date equipment and rehabilitation technology (Mind maze, Walkaide, gripable).
We can offer these skills both at the clinic and/or in your own home or place of residence.